Charity Valuation Evening a Success
21st February 2019A team of our specialists were on hand at St Thomas's Church in Salisbury on Wednesday to take part in a specially organised valuation evening.
Just one year off its 800 year anniversary, the medieval church in the heart of the city needs to raise £2,000,000 for repairs and renovations, and is holding a series of fundraising events and initiatives. Staff at Woolley and Wallis were only too pleased to be invited to take part in the event, which saw participants pay £10 to have their items valued while enjoying a glass of wine and a plate of nibbles, provided by Maul's Wine and Cheese Bar and served by volunteers from the church.
Over a hundred people came along to the church, and our specialists handled a broad spectrum of items with fascinating family histories, including a sandwich picnic set awarded to a relative who had been a world class female athlete in the 1930s, a bottle discovered in the city's river during a hot summer swim, an early Rubik's cube, and items of silver and jewellery that had been handed down through generations. A raffle concluded the evening, drawn by Woolley and Wallis's Deputy Chairman, John Axford, and over £1,400 was raised to go towards the church's daunting target.
To learn more about the Quest 2020 Appeal for the church please visit their website.